Welcome back to school!

The YHS Staff is ready to see you on Tuesday!

The Class of 2020 graduation video from AV Technik is now available here: https://vimeo.com/447127148/85f48bacf9. This VIMEO link will be available for a year, and may be downloaded. Wishing our graduates all the best in their future endeavors!

Members of the Student Senate Executive Council worked the polls today so that older poll workers did not have to be at risk.

Tyler Tech named their 2020 Maine App Challenge winners - Congratulations to Parker Harnett '21- 1st Place and Elena Miller '22 - 3rd Place https://bit.ly/37ZehFZ

Clippers for Racial Justice

We Love Our Seniors - June 5 Edition https://bit.ly/2XBJWcP

Senior Awards Presentation (Recorded) https://bit.ly/374Oqf7

Senior Awards Live stream (must have a school account) https://bit.ly/2UdE4EJ

During this past fall's Journalism & Podcasting class, Audrey Goessling, Mandy Jenkins, Quincy Whipple, and Adriana Whitlock submitted their production to the NPR Student Podcast Challenge. Out approximately 2000 competitors from across the nation they earned an Honorable Mention! Their podcast focused on the relationship between Yarmouth students and the local police department. You can listen to it here https://bit.ly/3dImIYl and read about the competition and other winners here https://n.pr/3h0Qb1E.

The Extended Learning Opportunity Final Projects will be presented at 5:00 PM today (Monday, June 1). If you would like to learn more about the presentations and watch the live stream, please see the program: https://bit.ly/2MkzWOU

Congratulations to Lulu Rasor '19 who won the Youth Competition in Poetry at the 2020 Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance Maine Literary Awards for her poem "Grendel's Mother Takes the Mic"

The final student assembly and the unveiling of the new MC: https://youtu.be/nlhuGDmZA3M

Make sure to check out the Standing Ovations from #yhsplaymakers all this week on Twitter https://twitter.com/YarmouthHS

Congratulations to the 2020 Boyd Award recipient, Jane Fulton. Jane's ceremony was pre recorded. https://bit.ly/2Zurkgo The award was given during a live stream event. https://bit.ly/2ZtIwlS

Just a few more weeks --- you've got this, and we've got you!

John Duffy Presentation Tonight - Navigating the New Age of Parenting. Link here for more information https://bit.ly/2Z1X1xo

Another wonderful evening of presentations. Enjoy the YAWP open mic night #2 https://bit.ly/35HHdRp

YHS is proud to announce that 9th graders Alex Ericson, Macy Gilroy, and Nori Schneider earned second place at the Maine State National History Day competition for their exhibit entitled "The Pandemic of 1918: Its Impacts on Public Health in Maine and Beyond". The team received an invitation to the national competition being held virtually in June. The virtual display they entered in the state competition can be viewed at this link: https://bit.ly/2SDVDNp #yhslearns

Thanks to the organizational prowess of YHS administration, the senior class advisor (Jackie Anderson), and especially the graduation coordinator (Julie Hutchinson), advisors of seniors were able to deliver celebratory signs to each senior in the class of 2020. What a great way to kick off the commencement season from a distance!