6 members of the Yarmouth High School swim team have been singing the national anthem at their meets before diving into the pool. https://goo.gl/w7hige
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
In Ms Carrigan's class students practiced procedure writing-creating Lego sculptures, writing a procedure, and seeing if another group could recreate the same sculpture. Clarity is key! #yhslearns
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Students use Lego to learn how to write directions.
Due to the forecast for a snowstorm starting tomorrow afternoon, we will be closing Yarmouth Schools early on Wednesday. February, 7, 2018. YHS will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m.
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Congratulations to Olivia O’Halloran ’18 as a finalist for Maine's Top Youth Volunteers Of 2018 from The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. https://goo.gl/rd6tbi
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Great way to end the week at YHS with a terrific Unified Basketball game this afternoon.
about 7 years ago, Eric Klein
YHS Unified Basketball
New articles in the Clippings Magazine by Isabel King '19 and Anushka Canfield '21 https://goo.gl/G75tiq
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Congrats to the recipients of the Scholastic Writing Awards of Maine Hannah Grant,’19, Rose Rasor ’19 Paige Reinfelder ’19 Brienne Hathcock ’20 and Isabelle King ’19 https://goo.gl/oP7mj1 #yhslearns
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Two representatives from the National Guard band came and talked to the Wind Ensemble, and Concert Band today. #yhslearns
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
National Guard speaking to music students
Actor David Mills rendition of Dr. Martin Luther King this morning for Grades 8, 9, + 10. Thanks to @yef_maine for this amazing opportunity
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Second Quarter and First Semester Grades can be accessed on PowerSchool on Tuesday January 30th.
about 7 years ago, Eric Klein
Actor and writer David Mills performing Langston Hughes for grades 11 and 12 as part of a @yef_maine grant.
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Actor and write David Mills playing Langston Hughes
Getting ready for Student Assembly
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Semester 1 Software Creation and Game Design Final Projects: https://goo.gl/9kSfdb
about 7 years ago, Yarmouth High School
No school on Monday 1/15
about 7 years ago, Kate Pietropaoli
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, January 15, 2018
about 7 years ago, YHS Office by Jenn Lainey
YEF Grants Parade!
about 7 years ago, Alice Barr
Karin Walsh And Laura Esty