Ms. Wilson rocking her 4W Earth and Physical Science class with an activity on the Core Values!
over 2 years ago, Amy Bongard
Core Values build Community!
Great first student day at YHS! Go Clippers!
over 2 years ago, Patrick Hartnett
YHS Admin
As we are close to the opening day of classes, we are also starting our fall sports regular season this week. We looking forward to YHS continuing the tradition of strong fan support for our teams providing a boost for our athletes and coaches. Our athletic venues should be difficult places for visiting teams to compete because of our overwhelming positive fan support for the Clippers. This is also an opportunity to demonstrate two of our core values: being respectful by showing such positive support for our teams and being responsible by reading and following the expectations in the YHS Fan Section in the student handbook. Go Clippers!
over 2 years ago, Patrick Hartnett
Another outstanding day with YHS staff. We focused on questioning strategies and also had some fun! Go Clippers!
over 2 years ago, Patrick Hartnett
Day one with staff is in the books! Great first day. #GoClippers
over 2 years ago, Patrick Hartnett
YHS staff are in the house, checking out the student handbook and hearing from Student Senate about changes to our laptop practices. Go Clippers!
over 2 years ago, Amy Bongard
This is a quick reminder about tonight's Town Meeting at Yarmouth High School. Residents are encouraged to attend and vote on the Town and School budgets at 7:00 p.m. in the YPAC. Read more about the proposed budget here:
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Budget spreadsheet
Congratulations to Amelia Kostin - the 2022 Boyd Award recipient! The ceremony is here
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Amelia Kostin Boyd Award 2022
Congratulations to Jasper Chappell and Jack Riddle for First in Class at the Electric Car Competition.
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Jasper and Jack
2022 Drama Festival Champs with their trophy
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Drama group with trophy
Junior Dorcas Bolese found out today through a phone call from Representative Chellie Pingree that she is a winner of the 2022 Congressional Art Competition. Her work will be on display in the halls of the U.S. Capitol for the next year.
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Dorcas Bolese and Mrs. Sylvester
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Concert for Ukraine
Concert to benefit Ukraine - Livestream at 9:45 AM EST
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Good morning. Yarmouth High School, Frank Harrison Middle School, and Yarmouth Elementary School are each without power at this time. Work crews are on site in Yarmouth to restore electricity soon, and schools are operating with some minor adjustments. We’ll let you know when power is restored. These outages have also disabled our phones and Internet. Thank you for your patience.
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Good morning. Yarmouth High School, Frank Harrison Middle School, and Yarmouth Elementary School are each without power at this time. Work crews are on site in Yarmouth to restore electricity soon, and schools are operating with some minor adjustments. We’ll let you know when power is restored. These outages have also disabled our phones and Internet. Thank you for your patience.
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Lauren Keaney is representing Yarmouth's ceramic art program with her set of bowls for National Youth Art Month at the Portland Museum of Art. Lauren is a sophomore who shines in both creative and technical work.
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Ceramic Bowls by Lauren Keaney
Isabel Peter's "Unsung Hero" Painting was selected to be Submitted to the State exhibit at Portland Museum of Art for National Youth Art Month. Isabel is a sophomore who's work both conceptually and technically is truly amazing!
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Unsung Hero Painting by Isabel Peters
Today's final regular Unified Basketball season game will be at Morse High School. Go Yarmouth/Brunswick!
almost 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Yarmouth/Brunswick Unified Team
The Yarmouth Finance Club did very well at the statewide competition on March 2. Photos: Regional winners: Yarmouth 2 from Yarmouth High School: Oscar O'Donnell and Aiden Kamm (mentor: Carli Carter, Tyler Technologies) 2nd place Winners: Team Yarmouth 4 from Yarmouth High School (each student receives a $500 scholarship generously donated by MES Foundation). Students: John Raymond, Truman Peters and Ethan Blake (mentor: Crystal Alcott, Tyler Technologies). 1st Place Winners: Team Yarmouth 1 from Yarmouth High School (each student receives a $1,000 scholarship generously donated by Machias Savings Bank). Students: Elliot Cowles, Owen Gillan and Frazier Dougherty (mentor: Rico Spugnardi, Tyler Technologies). Yarmouth 1, Yarmouth 4 and OakHill 5 have the opportunity to advance to the National JA Titan Competition and represent Maine Virtually May 18-19th
about 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Yarmouth Finance Club
Some great Winter Break Reading - Profiles of Yarmouth by Ms Tommaso's College Writing class. Students spent 3 days at the Yarmouth Historical Society researching individuals and parts of Yarmouth that are important to the history and culture of the town.
about 3 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Profiles of Yarmouth