Congratulations to Ben Cox-Faxon '19 who was chosen by his peers as our Daughters of the American Revolution winner. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism in their homes, schools, and communities. #yhslearns

James and the Giant Peach is ON for tonight- Friday November 16th

Forming bonds to make molecules in Biology. #yhslearns

Yarmouth High School students successfully lobby for 'minority holiday' policy https://goo.gl/cCEyKP

Students participated in the ACDA Fall Choir Festival on Thursday. #yhslearns

After more than a decade of Yarmouth's absence, five Clippers blazed the trail back into the wonderful world of debate at Deering High on Saturday, From L to R: Kate Siegel, Oscar O'Donnell, Max Kempler, Sam O'Donnell, Ben Cox-Faxon #yhslearns

YHS Students in Mrs. Noack's Graphic Design class went for a visit to VIA in Portland. #yhslearns

YHS students Pie and Lulu were recently selected for the Telling Room Young Emerging Authors Fellowship. They will be publishing their books in August of 2019.
Check out the link here -

The Box Office is Open! James and The Giant Peach ticket information is now available https://goo.gl/bwXX5Q

The new recycle/compost bins arrived today in the cafeteria. Built by Mr. Pitman's Product Design class, these unique structures were accompanied by student volunteers to help introduce them to the student body #yhslearns

Huge thanks to YEF for sponsoring the Freshman Seminar's outdoor trip! Some great pictures of students working together and navigating through the obstacle courses.

The Government classes will be running a mock election this Wednesday, the 31st during extended advisory. Results will be published to the school and analyzed by several students for a class project. The election is being organized by Conor Wolf '21. . Lucy Shamel '19 created a voter guide. This guide is a great resource for voting next Tuesday in the official midterm elections. https://sites.google.com/yarmouthschools.org/yhsmockmiderm2018/home

Heading out for Creative Writing Day! #yhslearns

Dominic Moran '19 and Allie Dettmann '19 prepping and planting for the yellow tulip project 💐for Mental Health Awareness

Great feature on YHS teacher Emily Davison's work with the Red Sox. https://www.newscentermaine.com/mobile/article/sports/mainer-teaches-english-to-red-sox-prospects/97-607726716

Mrs. Noack’s graphic design class printing vinyl stickers #yhslearns

YHS Interact Club with the pumpkins they carved for the Camp Sunshine/LL Bean pumpkin festival.

With models now completed, YHS students begin sculpting and adding components to their electric guitar projects.

Congratulations to Ella Doxsee and Elena Schlax who will be representing YHS in the 2019 All-State Jazz Choir! They will be performing on Saturday January 5 at the MMEA Jazz All-State concert at South Portland High School.

No School - Tuesday October 16
Power outages continue throughout town, including all four schools, and power lines are down on West Elm Street. Therefore, school is cancelled in Yarmouth for Tuesday, October 16.