Grade 9 students gave their speeches for Class Council and Student Senate positions to their classmates in theYPAC today. Voting is during both lunches tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Class Council and Student Senate candidates
Boys’ soccer: Sometimes it’s more than a game Yarmouth wins a lopsided game against Fryeburg, but both teams come away with a good feeling because of goals from two unlikely scorers. #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Students participing in the Global Climate Change Demonstration on Friday #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Global Climate Change Demonstration
This morning's Club Fair had 20+ clubs represented. Complete list: and scroll down. Photos #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Club Fair 2019
Club Fair 2019
Club Fair 2019
Club Fair 2019
Student activists present information about the Climate Change demonstration on Friday to Grades 9 -12. #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Climate Change Presentation
Congratulations to YHS Senior Sarah Smith for qualifying as a National Merit Semi-Finalist!
over 5 years ago, Eric Klein
Tomorrow on Wednesday, September 11th, Geskus Photography will be here for school pictures. For picture order forms, please check your email.
over 5 years ago, Eric Klein
New Staff play "2 Truths and a Lie" to introduce themselves to students at Friday's Student Senate Back to School Assembly.
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
New staff Assembly
YHS Seniors Emi Schneider and Adriana Whitlock will be featured on WCSH's '207' this Thursday (9/5) at 7PM. Catch their Americana/bluegrass performance, Flight 317, every weekend as they prepare for HenryFest, Poland Harvest Festival, and the Common Ground Country Fair.
over 5 years ago, Eric Klein
Flight 317
Student Senate Getting ready to roll out laptops to Grades 10 - 12 #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Student Senate members
Teachers are getting ready for Tuesday! Looking forward to opening Day! #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Teacher work
Welcome New High School teachers! L to R: Craig Collins, Jenny Zorn, Nick Muccio, Justin Key, Amy Roberson, and Ariel Soleil
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
YHS 2019 New Teachers
Have a great summer! The 2019 Summer Assignments are listed at #yhslearns
over 5 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Congratulations to Michael Guertler '19 - Maine App Challenge winners take home $10,000 in scholarships
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Maine App Challenge winners
The class of 2019 Graduation photos. Thank you to Jennifer Lainey
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Graduation Photos by Jennifer Lainey
Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Class of 2019
Extended Learning Opportunities presentations from 4:00 -8:00 PM tonight #yhslearns
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Extended Learning Opportunities
Extended Learning Opportunities
YHS Psychology Students have been reading articles about psychological studies to inform the way we live our lives. Please explore, and we hope you learn a bit about the psychology in your life!
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Mme Davison’s AP French students teaching French to Mrs. Gautreau’s 2nd graders at YES! #yhslearns
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
YHS students teaching 2nd graders French
YHS students teaching 2nd graders French
Seniors Last Day!
almost 6 years ago, Yarmouth High School
Senior Last Day
Senior Last Day
Senior Last Day
Senior Last Day