Dear Parents and Guardians,
We have several events to celebrate the start of 2019. First, after a school-wide competition where students recite poems in their English classes, we would like to congratulate this year’s Poetry Out Loud winner, Wyatt Bates, as well as runner-up Hannah Grant. For the second year in a row, Wyatt will be representing YHS at the POL Southern Maine Regional Finals on February 11 at the Westbrook Middle School Performing Arts Center.
January also marks another tradition for our 9th graders, who participate in the Power of One Project. This program was created seven years ago to explore the powerful impact of food insecurity across and world and in our own communities. Students recently participated in a Hunger Banquet which illustrated the inequity of food distribution in our society, and will begin projects in their advisory groups to help address this global issue.
The cooler temperatures and snow not only indicate that winter is here, it also means that we need to practice our indoor emergency procedures. Instead of a traditional fire drill evacuation, we will be practicing an indoor lockdown exercise tomorrow. We will be sending out a message to parents upon completion of this drill.
On Monday and Tuesday, 9th and 10th graders will be participating in an assembly with YAAPP (Young Adult Abuse Prevention Program). These presentations are aimed at raising awareness of gender bias and behaviors to establish a common understanding of our expectations related to healthy, respectful relationships.
Next week, please join us for the Extended Learning Presentation Night on Tuesday, January 15th, from 6 to 8 pm in the Yarmouth Performing Arts Center. These projects were designed independently by students, who worked with mentors both inside and outside the Yarmouth community.
Finally, the end of the second quarter and first semester is next Friday, January 18th. Please encourage your child to check and complete assignments and cornerstones as we approach the midpoint of the school year.