March 15, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
is hard to believe that we just surpassed the one year anniversary of
the pandemic. Last March we had little understanding of how challengin...
March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
Our Civil Rights Team is pleased to share the plan to celebrate Women’s History Month! The team will help our school comm...
February 27, 2021
Thanks to Tracy Weinrich for the inspiring display she created to honor Black History Month! Students sought out many of these books as soon as they entered the library. ...

February 24, 2021
School breakfast and lunch will continue to be free for the remainder of the school year. The nutrition department also offers school breakfast and lunch meals for all students on...
February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
As we move toward the February break we want to thank all of you for your vigilance and support with our health protocols and keep...

January 27, 2021
Did you know that since October all of our carrots have been coming from Crystal Spring Farm in Brunswick? So far we have purchased 2,100 pounds!!
School breakfast and lunc...
January 22, 2021
Tom McDowell and Will Post-Ruffing participating in the PTO/HMS Move-A-Thon : )!
January 22, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
Thank you for your support of the PT...
January 16, 2021
January 15, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
Today is the official kick-off of the PTO/HMS Move-a-thon to raise money for school enrichments!
HMS students can gather ple...

January 14, 2021
Yarmouth's Got Talent – Online Edition
Student Videos must be submitted by Friday, February 5
Acts selected for YGT will be announced on on M...
January 8, 2021
January 8, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians of 7th Grade Students,
We trust this finds you all well. This letter continues the process of preparing our students for hi...
January 8, 2021
Thanks again to Charlotte Agell, Gifted/Talented educator and published author, for permission to share her beautiful artwork.
January 8, 2021
Dear HMS Famil...
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
We are continuing our work on the placement process for the 2021 - 2022 school year. Laura Mike, School Counselor, and our 5th, 6th...
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021 Dear HMS Families,
The PTO is excited to announce the upcoming “HMS support-your-school event!”
Last year’s Glow Run was extremely successful....

December 21, 2020
In-school breakfast and lunch is free for kids everyday!
The school nutrition department also offers school breakfast and lunch meals for all students on remote learning days....
December 19, 2020
December 18, 2020 Dear HMS Families,
Please see the information below from Dave Creech, Yarmouth Athletic Director, explaining that all in-person athletics are on h...
December 18, 2020
Thank you to Charlotte Agell, HMS Gifted/Talented teacher, for sharing her beautiful art with us!
December 18, 2020
Dear HMS Families,
We are continu...

December 4, 2020
Thanks to Mary Post for displaying our theme for this year so beautifully!
December 4, 2020
Dear Families,
The HMS staff continues to work tirelessly on behalf of...
November 29, 2020
Joan Adler, Tom McDowell, Brad Ciechomski Kimberly Grover, Carol Steingart Emily Steingart, Maya Faulstich, Paul Faulstich, Margot Downs
Heartfelt congratulations to Maya ...