February 5, 2021
Dear HMS Families,
As we move toward the February break we want to thank all of you for your vigilance and support with our health protocols and keeping our learning community as safe as possible. Dr. Shah has noted that we are not seeing significant transmission of COVID in schools due to the safety measures we are implementing in our buildings. Thank you for the daily health screenings you are doing with your children and for talking with them about the need to continue to wear masks, wash their hands, and remain socially distanced from others. Please check in with us if you have any questions about upcoming travel or visitors who will be spending time with you in Maine over the winter break.
We are also so appreciative of your help with our virtual fundraiser! We raised close to $15,000.00 due to your enthusiasm and commitment to our students. I know you join me in extending gratitude to Christy Hayashida, Mary Post, Jessica Raimy and our PTO for the hours of work they put into creating this opportunity for us! We are thankful for their friendship and their expertise. Huge appreciation to Katie Payne and Sharon Fournier for the time and energy in support of our fundraiser!
Please take some time to review the following updates and adventures in learning.
, we can keep our community as safe as possible.
Thanks very much,
Joan Adler and Tom McDowell
HMS Administrative Team
HMS Celebrates Black History Month
Please take some time to look at this wonderful resource created by Brandie Burrows, HMS Librarian!
Move-A-Thon Fun!
Kelly Conley and Will Huckel-Bauer:
Kyley Donovan and Carlin Whitehouse:
Jay and Ava Duncan supporting our school!
Eli Nilson and Joan Adler - Silly String Battle
7th Grade Students’ One Word Challenge
Janice Medenica and Mike Hagerty’s students participated in the one word challenge, creating some amazing and thought-provoking results! Take a look at these students’ choices of the words that will help to guide them through the year.
Extreme Makeovers
Julie Logan and Steph Robison’s students provided Tom and me with some extreme makeovers as part of their Move-A-Thon incentives. Thanks to these students for sharing their creative fun with us! Enjoy!
YHS Interact Club Food Drive
Starting Monday, February 1, and ending Friday, February 12, the Interact Club will be hosting a “Spread the Love” food drive in order to raise donations for the Yarmouth Food Pantry in collaboration with Jared Conant’s annual birthday food drive. There are bins outside of the HMS main office for students or parents to drop off items. Some of the needed items are shampoo/hair conditioner, dishwashing liquid, pasta, canned beans, and canned meats. More items can be found on the flyer. Monetary donations are encouraged as well: $1 donated can go towards $4 of spending money for the Food Pantry! Please support the local Community Food Drive!
February Tip Of The Month From Casco Bay CAN
Dates to Remember
- YGT Student video submissions due TODAY!
- Winter Break: February 15 - February 19th - NO SCHOOL