The reading and writing report card indicators are based on end-of-year standards from the Common Core. It is common for students to still be “Developing” toward those standards midyear. Unmarked indicators have not yet been assessed.
Foundational Skills:
Reading Habits: Reads independently with stamina and engagement
Phonics: Decodes by applying grade level phonics and word analysis
Sight Words: Reads grade-appropriate high frequency words by sight
Fluency: Reads texts with accuracy and fluency at grade level
Comprehension: Comprehends texts at grade level
Narrative Reading:
Summarize: Retells major events of a story in sequence
Compare and Contrast: Identifies similarities and differences between texts that go together
Infer: Uses evidence from the text to support ideas about characters
Informational Reading:
Summarize: Identifies the main topic and supporting details
Text Features: Locates text features and uses them to comprehend the text
Analysis: Compares and contrasts important points within two texts on similar topics
The reading and writing report card indicators are based on end-of-year standards from the Common Core. It is common for students to still be “Developing” toward those standards midyear. Unmarked indicators have not yet been assessed.
Foundational Skills:
Reading Habits: Reads independently with stamina and engagement
Phonics: Decodes by applying grade level phonics and word analysis
Fluency: Reads texts with accuracy and fluency at grade level
Comprehension: Comprehends texts at grade level
Narrative Reading:
Summarize: Summarizes important parts of a story in sequence
Compare and Contrast: Identifies similarities and differences across texts with attention to characters.
Infer: Uses evidence from the text to support ideas about character traits and theme
Informational Reading:
Summarize: Summarizes the main idea and supporting details
Text Features: Locates text features and uses them to comprehend the text
Analysis: Compares and contrasts important points across texts and develops ideas about a topic
The reading and writing report card indicators are based on end-of-year standards from the Common Core. It is common for students to still be “Developing” toward those standards midyear. Unmarked indicators have not yet been assessed.
Foundational Skills:
Reading Habits: Reads independently with stamina and engagement
Phonics: Decodes by applying grade level phonics and word analysis
Fluency: Reads texts with accuracy and fluency at grade level
Comprehension: Comprehends texts at grade level
Narrative Reading:
Summarize: Summarizes important parts of a story in sequence
Compare and Contrast: Identifies similarities and differences across texts with attention to story elements
Infer: Uses evidence from the text to develop ideas about character traits and theme
Informational Reading:
Summarize: Summarizes the main idea with supporting details while excluding non-important details
Text Features: Uses text features and structures to comprehend the text
Analysis: Compares and contrasts important points across texts and develops a thesis about a topic