March 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We wanted to take a moment to communicate about how we are supporting your children at school since Emma’s passing. We conti...
March 26, 2018
March 23, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We wanted to share the resource Raising Digital Natives , which provides important information on social media, including us...
March 26, 2018
Congratulations to Jocelyn Ruffner, whose poem "Don't Stop" is now live on KidSpirit as part of the spring issue on The Speed of Now . KidSpirit will promote the spring...
March 23, 2018
March 22, 2018
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are in the midst of our annual placement process for the upcoming school year. We are committed to creating balanced classroom gro...
March 19, 2018
We're grateful to Jared Conant for his tireless work on the 2018 Community Food Drive. The Yarmouth Community Food Pantry is still receiving donations based on his event. Cur...
March 19, 2018
Student Name Level Aljawarin, Fatima High Honor Roll Augur, Sutter H High Honor Roll Ayotte, Karah Elizabeth High Honor Roll Balduf, Nadia High Honor Roll ...
March 19, 2018
Student Name Level Anderson, Wyatt D High Honor Roll Baybutt, Stuart H High Honor Roll Bergeron, Anne M High Honor Roll Burrows, Emma S High Honor Roll Dres...
March 11, 2018
We extend our gratitude and admiration to Barbara Ellis, math team advisor extraordinaire, for sharing her leadership and guidance with our math team members over the years!
March 11, 2018
Thanks to Merry Stuhr for sharing this exciting update about the HMS Birding Club!
The creation of this new activity was prompted by two avid 5th grade birders, Johnny W...
March 11, 2018
Thanks to Charlotte Agell for sharing this exciting news about our Scholastic Writing Awards recipients.
Southern Maine Writing Project, in conjunction with the ...
March 10, 2018
March 9, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians
recent weeks we have been hearing about how students and school
districts across the country are responding to th...
March 8, 2018
March 7, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Maine’s public school students in grades 3-8, and in the third year of high school, are required by state and federal law to partic...
March 7, 2018
March 6, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians-
We're excited to share some information with you about our upcoming Spirit Week, which begins on Monday, March 12th (more informati...
March 7, 2018
March 6, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians-
We wanted to confirm that the Transition Conferences will take place as scheduled tomorrow afternoon and evening, Wednesday, March...
March 4, 2018
The HMS/YES SECOND annual Winter Reading Festival was a huge success! Our sixth grade students couldn't wait for our 2nd grade visitors to arrive : ) Sixth graders and second gr...
March 5, 2018
Thanks to Bob Gross for providing this update:
The first group of students who have been working to assemble the SeaPerch ROV will have their "sea trial" soon! To add to the ex...
March 4, 2018
Congratulations to Joquin Peterson-Bonville, whose spectacular painting has been selected for display in an exhibition to celebrate Youth Art Month at the Portland Museum of Art....
March 4, 2018
Congratulations and best wishes to Arianah Burgess and Celina Belleville, the 8th grade students who were honored by the HMS/Rotary Student Recognition program for the month of ...
March 3, 2018
March 2, 2018 Dear Parents and Guardians-
It feels like the sun and warmth are taking a brief break today but we know that spring is right around the corner! W e...