Congratulations to Colby Ting and Walter Ruthman, November's recipients of the HMS/Rotary Student Recognition award! This recognition is based on growth mindset and the effort/grit/perseverance demonstrated by HMS students.

The seventh grade teachers had this to say about Colby:
Colby exemplifies a student who will not settle for the status quo. When a challenge arises, Colby seeks feedback, reflects on his own learning without guidance, and produces a quality final product, which is rich in thought and effort. Colby is motivated by the learning not by the grades!
The 7th grade Unified Arts teachers had this to say about Walter:
Walter is a confident, quiet, caring student. He is always ready
to learn, asks thoughtful questions, and takes ownership of his
learning and work. Additionally, Walter has a great sense of
humor. He is an exemplary student who consistently puts forth 100%
effort, is helpful to everyone in the class, and, most importantly, is always kind. We need more "Walters" in the world!
Congratulations, Walter and Colby!