Merry Stuhr and the planning team for this unique evening transformed HMS into a magical place, which featured our students’ creative voices. Students from all grade levels, along with families and staff, played and laughed together, while appreciating the wonder and gift of reading! The Gala was so much more than a book fair - it was an inspiring, community-building event. It was exciting to see Merry’s vision for this gathering come to life!

Our heartfelt thanks to Merry Stuhr and her team: Tracy Weinrich, Charlotte Agell, Molly Kilpatrick, Nancy Castonia, Melina Roberts, Laura Coroi, and Diane Campos!
We are grateful to Royal River Books for their partnership and support. This event could not have happened without them!
We greatly appreciate all of the following people, who added to the fun and success of this evening:
All Artists
Auction Donors
Review Writers
Why I Readers
Bookmark Makers
Our thanks to Suzy Gifford for sharing some of her wonderful photos with us!