February 28, 2020
Dear HMS Families,
We hope you enjoy these updates about recent adventures at HMS! We are anticipating some exciting changes to our school as the renovation begins! Thank you for your support sharing information about this work with your children.
To that end, please take a minute to talk with your children about the process for taking the YES bus home from HMS: Students taking the bus home from YES should wait on the sidewalk next to YES until the buses arrive. Students may not use the YES playground while waiting for the bus.
We are pleased to recognize Kylie Dresser and Drew McHold-Burke, February recipients of the HMS/Rotary Student of the Month Awards! Ira Warshaw, Kylie, and Kellie McMahon:
Cheryl Lambert, Kelley Kirwin, Drew, and Brian Skilling:
Congratulations to Morgan Cuthbert, Maine Sea Grant Professional Development Grant recipient and Aquaculture ME! founder. Please check out this exciting information: Maine Sea Grant. Morgan Cuthbert:

Thanks to our HMS Student Leadership Team and advisor Bob Gross for raising funds for the rainforest, and creating a fun, engaging spirit week for all of us! Aubrey Favreau, Bob Gross and Summer Duarte:
Our 5th grade students continue to deepen their friendships with residents of Bay Square. We are grateful to Kelly Conley and the 5th grade team for their work to create these special opportunities. The most recent visit included sharing Valentine poems and cards. Maisy, the dog, was a huge hit with our students!
-Music Booster Meeting - March 2 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the HMS Band Room
-Life of a Student Athlete Presentation - March 11 - John Underwood, a former Olympian and national Olympic trainer, will be discussing substance abuse and the impact on the teenage brain. Please see this link for more information.
-HMS Blood Drive - March 12 from 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM in the HMS Cafe
-5th Grade Play Parent Information Night - March 12 from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM in the HMS Library
-School Committee Meeting - March 12 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Log Cabin - second reading and adoption of school budget
-7th and 8th Grade Play - Getting To Know….Once Upon A Mattress - March 14 - two performances - 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM in the HMS cafe - tickets available at the door!
-Yarmouth's Got Talent - March 27 - Grades 5-8 entry forms are due by Thursday, March 19. Auditions will be after school on Monday, March 23. Official rules and entry forms can be Yarmouth'sGotTalent.org. Please see this link for more information.
Thanks very much,
Joan Adler and Tom McDowell
HMS Administrative Team